Monday, January 24, 2011

Cravings : Things that I suddenly long for especially during exam study time or sometimes just random things that surface from time to time from the subcons

1. Being back in school. Particularly, walking in front of science block towards the front field watching a fully blossomed yellow flowered tree swaying in the wind against dark clouds.

2. Swinging (on a swing, ofc)

3. Being on Vagator beach, collecting shells and standing in the same spot in the water till so much earth has moved from under your feet that you feel you're going to keel over any minute now.

4. Going on tea breaks outside office, with people you WANT to go with. :)

5. Making really lame jokes with a friend who you know will still laugh at them.

6. Being at a social event feeling completely comfortable.

7. Getting drenched to the bone while walking back home with a friend.

8. Making a dear one laugh.

9. Rock climbing ..behind school and HCU.

10. Going on train journeys!

11. Being amidst greenery.

12. Holding hands.

13. Giggling hysterically.

14. Sitting on office terrace with a panoramic view of the city and contemplating life with/without company.

15. Well made hot filter coffee.